Event Date
10 July 2018 08:00am
Event Location

Mark Salim

Chief Sanusi’s 84th Birthday 2018

Chief Sanusi’s 84th birthday Arosaf, in conjunction with Eye Foundation Hospital, held a free eye clinic at Alabata.


  • Total patients screened free of charge – 603
  • Total cataracts patients identified – 20
  • Cataracts patients who consented to surgery – 16 They were taken to the Eye Foundation Hospital in Ijebu Ode where Arosaf paid for the surgery and all associated costs.
  • Pterygium patients identified – 5
  • Glaucoma patient referred to base hospital for further screening – 15
  • Total glasses dispensed – 489
  • Total eye drops dispensed – 210

Arosaf contributed to the community effort to renovate the Primary Health Centre by donating hospital beds, mattresses and pillows. Bursaries were presented to two outstnding students of Alabata Secondary School.


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